As our denomination continues to grow and move further into the 21st century,

so, too, does our brand.


We unveiled a new logo for the denomination, and with it a new plan for more streamlined branding across the entire organization. The new logo honors the past while also looking toward the future. It maintains the flame that has long been part of the brand, representing the Holy Spirit’s leadership of our movement. The flame rests on the globe – the same globe introduced by World Partners in their re-brand – depicting the worldwide vision for seeing disciples made to the uttermost parts of the earth. In addition to the updated logo will come a new website, a unified look across denomination entities and ministries, modernized print and electronic communications designs, and a greater focus on streamlining communication to pastors, churches, and church members. We are excited to honor the past while blazing forward into the future of all that God has planned for us, and displaying that in all facets of the Missionary Church brand!


Files are all vector and can be scaled up or down to fit your needs.

Color Standards

Hexadecimal: #b4111a
CMYK: C: 20% M: 100% Y: 100% K: 12%
RGB: R: 180 G: 17 B: 26
Pantone: 7621C

Hexadecimal: #404041
CMYK: C: 68% M: 61% Y: 59% K: 46%
RGB: R: 64 G: 64 B: 65
Pantone: 426C

*For single color design always use 1 solid color, NEVER grayscale.

Missionary Church Primary Font: Calibri Bold