The following World Partners staff members will be in the U.S. for home ministry assignment* (HMA), sharing their ministries and renewing relationships with family, friends, and supporting churches: Stephen and […]

The following World Partners staff members will be in the U.S. for home ministry assignment* (HMA), sharing their ministries and renewing relationships with family, friends, and supporting churches:

Stephen and Gayle Burgstahler – S. Africa               April 25 – June 25

Nathan and Christina Duran – Argentina                 Raising Initial Support
Randy and Carolyn Fudge – Ireland                            Sept. 2018 – Jan. 2019

Tim Gretschmann – Uruguay                                         June 4 – Sept. 27
Ivan and Zhana Kalabric – Cyprus                               April 1 – May 31
Edward Kim – Germany                                                   Now- May 31
Jeremy and Mindie Tice – RSC** for Europe          June 15 –Aug. 27


The following staff members are based in the United States and are also available on an ongoing basis throughout the year:

Nat and Donna Brown                             RSC** for Latin America

Paul and Young Choi                                International College Student Ministry

Steve and Sheila Harrigan                     Immigrant Ministries – Indiana

Bill and Debbie Jones                              Bethel College Liaisons
Stan and Valli Yoder                                 Immigrant Ministries – Kansas
World Partners Executive Leadership Team (Co-Directors):

Tami Swymeler – Director of Operations

Dave Mann – Director of Strategic Partnerships

Rick Dugan – Director of International Development 

*Due to security issues some names are not included. There will be additional World Partners staff members returning to the U.S. for home ministry assignment in the fall of 2018.  

**RSC = Regional Strategy Coordinator for World Partners


To invite any of these missionaries to speak at your church or for the most update list, go to the World Partners website, https://wpartners.org/resources/speakers/, or contact Jennifer Platt at [email protected] for contact information.

Contact Tami Swymeler at [email protected] if your congregation would like to provide financial support for one or more of the missionaries noted above.