Howard and Ruth Moser Retire From WP

After fifty-five years of faithful ministry with World Partners, Reverend Howard and Ruth Moser retired on July 31, 2017. In 1962, the Moser family set off for language school in […]

After fifty-five years of faithful ministry with World Partners, Reverend Howard and Ruth Moser retired on July 31, 2017.

In 1962, the Moser family set off for language school in Costa Rica- the first step of their international service.  The following year they moved to Ecuador and began working among the Cayapa Indians. Howard and Ruth spent a number of years reviving and expanding the church in the coastal town of San Lorenzo and the surrounding area. During this time, Howard sold Bibles, passed out tracts, taught classes, held open-air meetings, and preached.  Ruth served as a nurse, and cared for their three children, Nathan, Melody, and Phillip.

From 1963-2002, with the exception of pastoring in the US for a couple years, Mosers worked with nationals and other missionaries, planting churches in Ecuador.  At one point, a ministry to youth in Bahia eventually turned into a small church congregation.  The church continues to thrive today.  The solid, long-term relationships made during these years provided opportunities to share the Gospel and make disciples of multiple generations.
The year 2002 was one of significant change for the Mosers, as they transferred to Spain, where they continued ministering full-time, then in partial retirement, until their eventual return to the US this year.  Though in a different part of the world, their mission remained the same.  They told people about the Good News.  They discipled those who were seeking.  Howard passed out tracts, and Ruth led ladies’ Bible studies.

In addition to their work abroad, the Mosers have played an important role in coaching individuals in discipleship through The Keystone Project in South Dakota. Many leaders around the world are making disciples thanks to the time Howard and Ruth invested in helping them through the process.
Howard and Ruth state, “We thank the Lord for each and everyone of you! Through your faithful gifts and prayers you have made it possible for us to have the opportunity of serving the Lord both in Ecuador and Spain.”

World Partners appreciates all Howard and Ruth have done in their ministry.  We believe God will continue to use and bless them in retirement, as He has throughout their lives.


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