I have difficulty counting all of the calls to prayer I have received over the past month. The President of the United States called for a day of prayer on […]

I have difficulty counting all of the calls to prayer I have received over the past month. The President of the United States called for a day of prayer on March 15. Strategic Renewal offers a daily prayer time out of the Psalms. The Hollywood Prayer Network hosts a weekly prayer time. Claim Your Campus is also inviting us to join their leaders in prayer. There is a long list of Christian organizations inviting people to unite in prayer during this pandemic.

The Missionary Church called for a National Day of Prayer and Fasting on Good Friday. The good news is that there are more people uniting in prayer in this country than I have seen in my lifetime. Many of our churches are touching more people through online services than they were reaching when everyone was able to attend church.

MAY 7 is the NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER. Some may think this year’s observance is redundant, since there are so many other calls to prayer. However, this is a great opportunity for the entire nation to unite in prayer for an end to this pandemic and for spiritual awakening across the nation. My concern is that this National Day of Prayer will get lost in all of the other prayer initiatives.

Check out the National Day of Prayer website: There you will find a prayer guide, videos, and a prayer written by Kathy Branzell, President of the National Day of Prayer Task Force.

Since most of our churches are already livestreaming, this would be a great opportunity to unite with other pastors in your community and lead your community in a noontime prayer event.

Just because there are numerous calls to prayer does not mean that now is the time to let up. Let us keep pressing on in prayer and see what God will do to bring awakening to this nation and around the world.