PastorWell™  Overview


PastorWell™ is a clergy and church staff wellbeing membership program for America’s Christian church leaders.

The PastorWell™ program is designed to be an affordable annual subscription program that provides access to critical wellbeing services that are often needed by pastors to help them avoid vocational burnout and to draw wisdom from peers in resolving or overcoming stressful challenges that are common to the clergy profession.

The program is designed to provide strengthening services in six areas of wellbeing that include the spiritual, emotional, relational, physical, intellectual, and financial domains of wellbeing.

Program Benefits


Counseling or Coaching Support
Up to eight counseling or coaching sessions provided by an approved FSN counselor or coach. Available to spouse and children ages 13-17. ($800-$1,600 value)

At Full Strength Book
Download a PDF version of At Full Strength, Safely Navigating the Perils of Ministry by Denny Howard. ($15 value) ™

PastorWell Newsletter
Periodic newsletter with helpful wellbeing articles by subject matter professionals. ($19 value) Financial Resources Referral
Referrals to trained financial coaches and other financial resources. ($250 value)

Wisdom Consult
Submit wellbeing or leadership questions and receive proposed solutions that have worked for other leaders. ($100-$500 value)

Peer Huddle
Peer groups who meet online monthly for small group community and growth. ($75 value)

Respite Referral
Help in locating and negotiating favorable terms for clergy Sabbath or vacation stay. ($150 value)

Personality Assessment
Receive a custom personality assessment, along with the tools to understand and serve others more effectively. ($98 value)

Mindfulness Help
Access to MinistryPulse. This easy-to-use mindfulness app helps ministry leaders keep a pulse on their wellbeing.



The program is available for purchase by denominational, associational, or fellowship groups of churches for the benefit of the group churches, by individual churches for the benefit of their church staff, and by church staff as individuals who purchase the program for their own benefit.

This program is not intended to cover volunteer ministry workers nor non-staff church members.

Program Pricing


The Missionary Church annual PastorWell membership cost is $120/year ($10/month billed quarterly).


Full Strength Network exists to help pastors monitor their wellbeing and connect to strengthening resources.
PO Box 2201, Ft. Wayne, IN 46801-2201