PLI Winter 2016 (December-January-February)

The enrollment deadline for the Winter Quarter is less than a week away! So far the following students have enrolled: PL271 Fundamentals of Christian Leadership Donovan Christian P251 Homiletics Jeremiah […]

The enrollment deadline for the Winter Quarter is less than a week away! So far the following students have enrolled:

PL271 Fundamentals of Christian Leadership
Donovan Christian

P251 Homiletics
Jeremiah Wright
Brysen Sagucio
Keith Berger
Kevin Kuhl
Ashley Smith
Josh Morford

PL531 Biblical Theology
Paul Galley
Lonna Averill
Mark McLemore
Phil Shaw
Georgana San Giacomo

PL351 Teaching Methods & Christian Education Administration
Kevin Justice
Mike Nyhuis
Josh Clark
Tim McCulloch

Registration deadline is Sunday, November 6, 2016.

A brief description of each class is below. Click here to enroll or contact [email protected] for more details.
Level One

PL251: Homiletics
Tuition: $200
eProf: Jim Carder, MA, PhD
Thursdays, 8:00pm Eastern
Skeptical about the possibility that an online course can actually teach students to preach? With the wonders of technology (can you say “YouTube”?) students can even view and critique each others’ sermons. Some eProfs claim this is their favorite class to teach, and students admit this class challenged them to think outside the box to communicate biblical truth. Besides the fundamentals, students explore the practical aspects of preparing and delivering an expositional sermon; integrating unforgettable storytelling into the sermon; collecting, filing, and using illustrations effectively; and developing cultural sensitivity to today’s postmodern world.
PL271: Fundamentals of Christian Leadership
Tuition: $200
eProf: Allen Tyndall, MEd, MDiv, DMin
Mondays, 8:00pm Eastern
This course explores the principles of Christian leadership that create the underpinnings of every successful local church. Students examine leadership principles from a Biblical basis and learn to apply those principles to specific local church situations so that they become adept at exercising active leadership. One student said of this course, “The textbook knowledge came alive by applying it to ministry. After every chat session, I was so pumped I wanted to go out (at 11:00pm) and change the world right on the spot!”
PL531: Biblical Theology
Tuition: $200
eProf: Phil Carder, MDiv
Tuesdays, 8:00pm Eastern

This course introduces the content, discipline, and practical application of biblical theology so foundational for a biblical worldview, practical ministry, and systematic theology. The theology of the entire Bible is considered as well as many of the major themes from Genesis through Revelation emphasizing how the two testaments connect to produce one unified “Big Picture” view.

Level Two

PL351: Teaching Methods & Christian Education Administration
Tuition: $200
eProf: John Oelze, MDiv, MA
Mondays, 8:00pm Eastern

Covering issues related to developing a church-wide spiritual formation track, this course zeroes in on developing relevant avenues for spiritual growth and critiquing contemporary communicators to aid in fostering one’s skills for effective, relevant teaching and leadership in the local church setting.
Audit any course for just $100
No grade or credit, submission of assignments not required, participate as much or little as desired.