Although there are incredible needs around the world, the global community is focused on what is happening in Ukraine. While we are accustomed to seeing images of war for many […]

Although there are incredible needs around the world, the global community is focused on what is happening in Ukraine. While we are accustomed to seeing images of war for many years from many parts of the world, the images coming out of Ukraine seem much more personal; most likely because it is not difficult to find someone who knows someone who lives in Ukraine.


The outcome of this act of aggression against Ukraine could have a lasting impact on the Western world. The war, from most accounts, is both political and religious. Regardless of the outcome, the Church of Ukraine will be affected. There will likely be believers who lose their lives. There will be believers who see this as a great opportunity to reach lost people for Jesus.


We know that it is during the most difficult times, when people have nowhere else to turn, that they are more open to the Gospel. The global Church can do more than watch and wait. We can stand with our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and in Russia in prayer. We know there has been conflict, especially in Eastern Ukraine between the Russian Church and the Ukrainian Church.

Unfortunately, politics often enters the Church and creates division.


We also know that there are believers in Russia and in the Ukraine who desire to honor the Lord and who want to see their countrymen come to faith in Christ and grow as disciples.


Psalm 46 reminds us that God is our refuge and strength — a very present help in times of trouble. It is a reminder of God’s grace amid challenging times. It also reminds that He is the God who makes wars to cease to the ends of the earth. Verse 10 of that Psalm reads: “Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”


As you seek the Lord regarding the conflict between Ukraine and Russia…


  • Pray for Russian and Ukrainian churches, which have been divided by the ongoing conflict in Eastern Ukraine, to pursue reconciliation together so they can care for those in need and serve as examples for their nations’ leaders.
  • Pray for unity within the Ukrainian church so that Christians can bring peace and reconciliation to as many of their hurting neighbors as possible.
  • Pray God will manifest His presence and will tangibly help the people during this time of trouble
  • Pray for Christ followers to find hope, wisdom, and faith to proclaim Jesus.
  • Pray God will be their fortress.
  • Pray for God to bring this war to an end and that He will establish peace.
  • Pray that Jesus will be glorified worldwide through the carrying out of His will.


We know that there is a peace that passes all understanding to those who put their trust in Christ. Pray the Church in Ukraine and in Russia will know His peace, His presence and His power as they seek to serve Him.