Prayer for Camps

Summer is the time for family camps, children’s camps, youth camps and conferences. The Missionary Church has a rich history of “camp meetings.” Thousands of lives have been impacted through […]

Summer is the time for family camps, children’s camps, youth camps and conferences. The Missionary Church has a rich history of “camp meetings.” Thousands of lives have been impacted through these extended times away from the routines of life.

One of my personal memories of camp goes to Ludlow Falls, Ohio. Before the evening service, cabin owners would gather in small groups around the tabernacle to pray for God’s presence in the service. Others would gather in tents to pray. I remember as a young teen being invited to join the men of my home church to meet in a tent to pray for the evening service. They were earnest prayers lifted up to God on behalf of teens at camp and on behalf of friends and loved ones who were yet unsaved.

The reason camps have had such an impact on people is because there have been intercessors praying for evangelists, camp leaders and campers that God would work in every heart.

Over the next few weeks there will be youth conferences, children’s camps and family camps. Even if you do not attend one of these events, you can still have an impact.

  1. Adopt a student – commit to pray for them during the time they are attending a camp or conference.
  2. Pray especially for students who are not walking with the Lord.
  3. Pray for believing students to be encouraged and strengthened as they prepare to return to school.
  4. Pray for district/regional leadership who are planning and working the camps.
  5. Pray for evangelists and teachers.