PrayLink | Feb. 23

Are you interested in teaching baseball in another country? Now is your chance! Lee DeTurk is leading a team to Bulgaria from April 17-24 to teach baseball to school age children and […]

Are you interested in teaching baseball in another country? Now is your chance! Lee DeTurk is leading a team to Bulgaria from April 17-24 to teach baseball to school age children and help construct a new field. He needs six to eight individuals eighteen or older who want to join him on this short-term mission trip. World Partners staff, Pete and Ursula Hubley, in conjunction with the World Baseball Academy in Fort Wayne, Indiana, will also partner with Lee during this short-term trip. For more information, please contact Lee DeTurk immediately at [email protected].

THAILAND: Pray for the World Partners Regional Strategy Coordinators as they are meeting in Chiang Mai, Thailand, now through February 27. Pray this team of leaders who have been influential in launching disciple making movements throughout the world would have a fruitful planning meeting. Pray also for travel safety at the conclusion of the meetings as they return to their respective homes.

UNITED STATES: Pray for BILL JONES as he meets this evening with the men participating in the Missions/Discipleship House on Bethel College campus in Mishawaka, Indiana. Pray they will share their lives with one another and be authentic, accountable, and accessible. Pray also for Bill as this Wednesday and Thursday he will be involved in “Innovation Training” at Bethel College. Pray the Holy Spirit would use it to teach Bill how to be more creative, innovative, and think outside the box.

EUROPE: Praise! A STAFF MEMBER reports that Jasmine, a student who has been attending her class for a long time, recently prayed to accept Christ. The staff member also requests prayer for Tessadite, Tounsia, and Farida as they continue to learn what it means to follow Christ.

GUINEA: The GUINEA TEAM requests prayer for Mamodi Samura from the village of Grand Kondebun. Mamodi is a close friend to JIM and DAWN ANDERSON. Pray God would use this friendship to open Mamodi’s heart to the Gospel. Also, some new believers in Passaya are waiting to be baptized. Pray this would happen soon. Pray also for Frigi from Passaya as he visits with and disciples individuals who want to follow Christ.

BULGARIA: Pray for JOSH and SARAH HAWKINS as they deal with a situation in the church they are attending. They will be meeting with the leader to address the situation. Pray for guidance, wisdom, gentleness, humility, and boldness in addressing their concerns when speaking with the church leader.

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Pray for a short-term volunteer currently in Moca, Dominican Republic, who has been hospitalized and will be released tomorrow. The volunteer is on a construction work team. Pray for safety as the team will return to the U.S. on February 26.

CYPRUS: Pray for RICK DUGAN as he meets with doctors this Thursday, February 25, and Monday, February 29, to schedule surgery and treatments. Doctors have discovered Rick has papillary thyroid cancer which is in a lymph node next to the thyroid. Doctors in Cyprus have assured Rick that this is a very treatable cancer with a nearly 100% cure rate. Rick and Madara are currently in the U.S.

SOUTH AFRICA: STEPHEN and GAYLE BURGSTAHLER request prayer for their son, Micah, as he begins his studies at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. Pray also for their daughter, Charis, as she continues her nursing program studies at Indiana University in South Bend, Indiana.