PrayLink | February 7, 2017

SPAIN: Pray for travel safety for DON and JUDY DAY as they return to Spain from the U.S. today. The Days also request prayer for God’s direction as they search […]

SPAIN: Pray for travel safety for DON and JUDY DAY as they return to Spain from the U.S. today. The Days also request prayer for God’s direction as they search for a home base in Spain upon their return.

CAMEROON: For the past three months, DAVID BJORK has been working on a plan to host an African Forum on Discipleship. World Partners is sending African disciplemakers to interact with French and English speaking people from Cameroon, Congo, Chad, Nigeria, and the Central African Republic. They will discuss a variety of issues related to disciplemaking in Africa. Pastors, deacons, schoolteachers, farmers, seminary students, and lay men and women from many walks of life and denominations will spend February 14-17 together. They will pray for the unity of the body of Christ, exchange ideas, share experiences, and the challenges on fulfilling the Great Commission. Pray for safety for those traveling by air, bus, and car.

RWANDA: Pray for THEO MAKOMBE as he meets weekly with thirty young men to teach and work on a planting project. Pray for BRI MAKOMBE as she has tutoring on Tuesday and Thursdays and then then makes herself go to the shops daily to practice with the people in her neighborhood. Pray for the Makombe children as they continue to transition to a new place surrounded by new people. Pray for Sifa as she is discouraged at school and struggling to learn French and Kinyarwanda in school.

AFRICA: Pray for a STAFF MEMBER as he works daily with refugees who have been trafficked.

ASIA: Praise! A STAFF MEMBER reports the first English Club meetings have gone well, but attendance is a bit low. Pray that the children that He has prepared to be part of the English Club would take the first step and attend.

ASIA: Pray for a STAFF MEMBER as she has started teaching English lessons to women at a shelter. Pray for her as she delves into this new experience. Pray for the women learning English that their hearts are open to receive God’s love through her. They desperately need to know how much they are valued and loved.

IRELAND: Pray for RANDY and CAROLYN FUDGE as they started a prayer group with young adults and are excited about the part they can play in their discipleship. Pray for Randy as he is scheduled for surgery on his left eye on February 17. Praise! Carolyn continues to do well after her knee replacement. Pray for Carolyn’s brother, Jerrold Kauffman, who is on the liver transplant waiting list. Pray for him as he waits and for the person and their family who will be the donor.

BULGARIA: Pray for JOSH and SARAH HAWKINS as they have begun meeting with their tutor again. Pray for Josh as he focuses more on conversational language than on grammar with his tutor at this time.

GUINEA: The GUINEA TEAM requests prayer for Kelifa, from the town of Soulemania. Kelifa and his wife, Mamata, have five young children. Pray for God to provide for their physical needs. Pray God would refresh and energize their faith and that they would be used to bring others to Christ in their spheres of influence.

ASIA: Pray for a STAFF MEMBER as she is in intensive language study. Pray as she builds relationships with her follow classmates.

Pray for the marriages and families of Kingdom Workers. Pray also for those trying to help them through the rough times.

Pray for the World Partners staff as those coming back to the U.S. this summer for Home Ministry Assignment are currently scheduling dates to visit with donors.