PrayLink | Jan. 24, 2017

STEPHEN BURGSTAHLER’s brother-in-law, Jon, unexpectedly passed away on January 30, 2017. Pray for Stephen and Gayle as they mourn this loss from South Africa and for the family of Jon […]

STEPHEN BURGSTAHLER’s brother-in-law, Jon, unexpectedly passed away on January 30, 2017. Pray for Stephen and Gayle as they mourn this loss from South Africa and for the family of Jon as they grieve.

IRELAND: Pray for DENNY and LINDA COLLINS as they travel from the U.S. to Ireland on February 1. Pray for Denny and Linda as they resume their ministry and assist their Irish ministry partners in their continued efforts of making disciples. Pray for Linda as she attends a women’s weekend February 3-5 that she would be a light for the women attending who need to know Christ. Pray for Joe and John, disciples of Denny and Linda, to continue to be salt and light to the community. Pray Denny would continue to heal from shoulder surgery. Pray Linda’s calcium and Vitamin D levels would stabilize.

GUINEA: JIM and DAWN ANDERSON are in Conakry until this Friday taking care of business and shopping. Pray as they travel home to Guinea on Saturday that they will be able to get everything done and have safe travels. Jim and Dawn request prayers for Baby Gnyma who will be at Hope Clinic tomorrow to hopefully have her cleft palate repaired next week. Pray she would pass all of the screenings so that she can have the surgery. Pray also for a woman with nasal polyps and a ten year old with a cleft lip who are also seeking help at Hope Clinic. Pray that everything would fall into place for Mr. Bah to have cataract surgery. Pray for one of the believers in Jim and Dawn’s village who has made the decision to take a second wife. It is causing intense hurt and heartache for his first wife who is also a Christian. Pray that God would redeem this situation. Finally, pray also for Dawn’s ankle to heal as she has arthritis in it and the pain is especially bad during the night.

UNITED STATES: Pray for BILL and DEBBIE JONES as they meet individually with their disciples this week. The Joneses will lead a panel discussion with missionaries and students at Bethel College this Thursday evening. Along with Bill and Debbie, LESLIE FOSTER will also represent World Partners on the panel. Breaking Free 101 will be led by the Joneses beginning the evening of January 30. If you are interested, contact Bill at 574-807-7199.

ASIA: Pray for safety for a STAFF MEMBER as she returns to Asia from the U.S. on February 1.

Pray for Ministry Leadership Council and General Oversight Council leaders of the Missionary Church, Inc. as they meet this week in Florida to pray for the present and future of the Missionary Church.