PrayLink | July 26, 2016

CAMEROON: Pray for travel mercies for DAVID BJORK and Dr. Kwak, the Dean of the Cameroon Faculty of Evangelical Theology, as they travel to Togo to attend the General Assembly […]

CAMEROON: Pray for travel mercies for DAVID BJORK and Dr. Kwak, the Dean of the Cameroon Faculty of Evangelical Theology, as they travel to Togo to attend the General Assembly of the Council of Theological Institutions of Francophone Africa from July 31-August 5.

UNITED STATES: Pray for BILL JONES as he speaks in the Monday morning plenary session and leads a workshop at Brown City Camp in Michigan from July 31-August 5. The title of the message and five session workshop series is “Real Freedom From Spiritual Baggage.” Pray also for Bill’s mother as she was recently dehydrated and non-responsive due to a side effect of medication she is on, but has begun to come out of it. Pray for her health and that she would heal.

BULGARIA: Pray for PETE and URSULA HUBLEY as they make preparations to begin an English club this fall. They request prayers that they would have vision and clarity as they begin this club.

ASIA: A STAFF MEMBER requests prayer as he sets up a program to promote not only community development, but to also show the love of Jesus in his community.

BULGARIA: Pray for URSULA HUBLEY as she continues to disciple Rachi, a Bulgarian teenager. Ursula and Rachi are currently studying John 3, using both English and Bulgarian Bibles. Rachi is personally receiving deep revelations and is starting to understand that the Bible isn’t as incomprehensible as she previously believed. Pray Rachi would become sure of her salvation by faith through Jesus Christ.

BULGARIA: JOSH and SARAH HAWKINS report that the prayer team arrived safely back in the U.S. from Bulgaria. The Hawkins renewed their focus on prayer as the team was in Bulgaria and after the team left. Due to this, the Hawkins report that they have seen God give specific answers to their recent prayers.

UNITED STATES: Pray for a STAFF MEMBER as she deals with medical issues. Pray she would recover and that she would be able to fully participate in ministry for the rest of the summer.

ASIA: Pray for a STAFF MEMBER as she recovers from dengue hemorrhagic fever. The staff member was hospitalized, but has since been released and is recovering at her home.

IRELAND: RANDY and CAROLYN FUDGE request prayer for individuals they are discipling. Pray for Tony, Patrick, Joel, Gavin, Gary, Kim, Shannon, Lisa, Loanna, and Michaela as they become grounded in God’s word. Also pray for the Fudges as they disciple these individuals.

EUROPE: A STAFF MEMBER request prayer for Charli, Dayo, Dimgba, Ethel, Henry and Segun, individuals being discipled by the staff member.