PrayLink | March 15, 2016

Pray for the World Partners office staff and World Partners staff throughout Africa as they travel from Cape Town, South Africa, to their respective homes at the conclusion of the […]

Pray for the World Partners office staff and World Partners staff throughout Africa as they travel from Cape Town, South Africa, to their respective homes at the conclusion of the regional Africa staff conference this evening.

UNITED STATES: Pray for BILL JONES as he shares about ministry with a group of senior citizens in Elkhart, Indiana, on Thursday, March 17, at 11:30 a.m. Pray the group would become prayer warriors for his ministry at Bethel College in Mishawaka, Indiana. Pray also for Bill as on the evening of Saturday, March 19, he will lead a seminar/workshop in an Iron Sharpens Iron Mens’ Conference in Elkhart, Indiana. Pray the seminar he leads on “Listening Prayer” will be used by God to begin setting men free from emotional baggage and spiritual bondage in their lives.

CAMEROON: Pray for DAVID BJORK as he teaches five sessions on the topic of “How do we fit into God’s Mission?” at the Wycliffe Spiritual Retreat from March 21-24.

SPAIN: Praise! Lidia, a disciple of REBECCA COX, was baptized on Sunday, March 13. Pray for Rebecca as she makes preparations to leave Spain for Home Ministry Assignment at the end of May. Pray also as she makes plans during her Home Ministry Assignment to visit supporting individuals and churches and prepare for her wedding to Dave Bumpus.

IRELAND: Pray for RANDY and CAROLYN FUDGE as they continue their ministry with Just Ask club and Kidz Klub. Through these clubs, children and youth are introduced to Jesus and challenged to give their lives to Christ. Pray also for Randy and Carolyn as they prepare to share at a Scripture Union Adventure weekend in April.

SOUTH EAST ASIA: A STAFF MEMBER has been ministering in a local fishing village for the past seven years alongside two other ministry partners. One of the ministry couples has decided to commit to ministry in the village a full time focus. This new commitment was confirmed for them when they were able to spend time with a suicidal woman in deep depression. They prayed for her and asked to be shown how to pray. The couple and staff member believe this was a divine appointment. Pray for this couple as they transition to full time ministry and look for financial support and for the staff member as he helps coach this couple as they transition to ministry. The Regional Strategy Coordinator for Asia SHAUN FUTCH will be with the staff member this week and will also spend time training and coaching some of the disciplers. Pray as they take a deeper look at what God is doing and how they can be better partners in the work.

BULGARIA: SARAH HAWKINS recently had a conversation with Dee Dee, a local shopkeeper, and she told Sarah that she has “many problems.” Please be in prayer for Dee Dee and for Sarah as she interacts with Dee Dee. Pray also for JOSH HAWKINS as he has started mentoring a ministry student via Skype.

CYPRUS: RICK DUGAN’s surgery went well today and he is recovering at Parkview Hospital in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Pray he and Madara would find peace and comfort during this time.

UNITED STATES: Join STEVE and SHEILA HARRIGAN from 8:30-9:30 a.m. at Fellowship Missionary Church, Room #106, Fort Wayne, Indiana, on any Sunday between now and May 29 to pray against strongholds in Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia. This is a follow up to the year plus prayer against the Ebola virus and preparing the way for any short-term teams sent in the future. If you cannot pray with the group in person, a West Africa Network Facebook page is also available.