PrayLink | March 2, 2016

Are you interested in teaching baseball in another country? Now is your chance! Lee DeTurk is leading a team to Bulgaria from April 17-24 to teach baseball to school age children and […]

Are you interested in teaching baseball in another country? Now is your chance! Lee DeTurk is leading a team to Bulgaria from April 17-24 to teach baseball to school age children and help construct a new field. He needs six to eight individuals eighteen or older who want to join him on this short-term mission trip. World Partners staff, Pete and Ursula Hubley, in conjunction with the World Baseball Academy in Fort Wayne, Indiana, will also partner with Lee during this short-term trip. For more information, please contact Lee DeTurk immediately at [email protected].

MIDDLE EAST: Pray for travel safety for a STAFF MEMBER as she travels from the U.S. to the Middle East on the afternoon of Thursday, March 3.

CYPRUS: Praise! RICK DUGAN reports that more individuals in Nicosia are joining the “huddles” to learn how to make disciples like Jesus.

MIDDLE EAST: Pray for a STAFF MEMBER as he and two additional individuals are teaching a class to their congregation about the Gospel of John. The staff member is also teaching a home group for individuals who want to go over in more detail about the Gospel of John. Pray also for the staff member is also discipling Tamir, a new believer. Pray for the STAFF MEMBER’s WIFE as she reaches out to individuals in the community. Pray as she and another woman disciple “H,” a new believer. Pray for this staff couple’s daughter as she takes important exams.

UNITED STATES: Pray for BILL JONES as he prepares for the rest of the semester to disciple students at Bethel College. Pray the Holy Spirit would guide his thinking and work. Pray also for Bill on Friday, March 4, as he meets with Dr. Shawn Holtgren and Resident Director John Kaehr of Bethel College to discuss the development of a campus-wide discipleship model.

BULGARIA: Praise! JOSH and SARAH HAWKINS report they had huge language success this week with conversations speaking Bulgarian. The Hawkins also report they were able to communicate their concerns to the church leader as they deal with a situation in the church they are attending. They left on good terms with the individual and believe that God has something big on the horizon for them regarding church.

UNITED STATES: STEVE and SHEILA HARRIGAN have started a West Africa War Room to pray against strongholds in Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia. This is a follow up to the year plus prayer against the Ebola virus and preparing the way for any short-term teams sent in the future. Join Steve and Sheila from 8:30-9:30 a.m. at Fellowship Missionary Church, Room #106, Fort Wayne, IN on any Sunday between now and May 29. If you cannot pray with the group in person, a West Africa Network Facebook page is also available and contains prayer information.

CYPRUS: RICK DUGAN’s surgery has been scheduled for March 15. The plan is to follow up four weeks later with a radioactive iodine treatment for five days. The doctors continue to reassure Rick that this is a very treatable cancer. Pray as MADARA DUGAN’s citizenship interview will take place March 24. She will take the oath and become an American citizen sometime after her interview. Both Rick and Madara are required to leave the U.S. within forty-five days of her becoming a citizen. Pray the timing of these items will all work seamlessly together.

NORTH AFRICA: Pray for a PARTNER of World Partners who has malaria. He is currently on antimalarial medication and has been informed by doctors it will take three months to recover. Pray for this partner as continues to make disciples as he recovers.