PrayLink | March 9, 2016

SOUTH AFRICA: Pray for STEPHEN and GAYLE BURGSTAHLER as they finalize details for the World Partners Africa Staff Regional Conference occurring March 12-15 in Cape Town, South Africa. BULGARIA: JOSH and SARAH HAWKINS request […]

SOUTH AFRICA: Pray for STEPHEN and GAYLE BURGSTAHLER as they finalize details for the World Partners Africa Staff Regional Conference occurring March 12-15 in Cape Town, South Africa.

BULGARIA: JOSH and SARAH HAWKINS request prayer for “Al.” Pray also for the Hawkins as they continue to look for a new church to become involved in within their community.

UNITED STATES: Pray for a STAFF MEMBER as he works on a narrative of the gospel from an honor/shame perspective which a majority of the unreached people groups of the world come from this type of culture. Pray also for Zane, who is open to hearing about the Gospel, but hasn’t yet accepted Christ as his Savior. Pray also for the STAFF COUPLE as they travel to teach Perspective classes in several states the next two months.

MYANMAR: Pray for a PARTNER of World Partners as he leads a discipleship training this week.

SPAIN: Pray for DON and JUDY DAY as they are currently in Jijona, Spain, praying for and over the city.

CAMEROON: Last Thursday, thieves scaled a wall and broke into DAVID and DIANE BJORK’s apartment. They took many items, but thankfully the Bjorks were not injured. Pray they would feel safe in their own home once again. Pray also for the Bjorks as they travel to South Africa for the World Partners Africa Staff Conference. Pray also for David as he teaches five sessions on the topic of “How do we fit into God’s Mission?” at the Wycliffe Spiritual Retreat from March 21-24.

UNITED STATES: Pray for BILL JONES as he meets individually with the six men in the Missions/Discipleship House at Bethel College and for DEBBIE JONES as she meets with the women she is discipling. Pray God would give them good times together in the Word and Prayer.

UNITED STATES: STEVE and SHEILA HARRIGAN have started a West Africa War Room to pray against strongholds in Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia. This is a follow up to the year plus prayer against the Ebola virus and preparing the way for any short-term teams sent in the future. Join Steve and Sheila from 8:30-9:30 a.m. at Fellowship Missionary Church, Room #106, Fort Wayne, IN on any Sunday between now and May 29. If you cannot pray with the group in person, a West Africa Network Facebook page is also available and contains prayer information.

MONTEVIDEO: TIM and SUSANA GRETSCHMANN have arrived safely in Montevideo. Pray for them during this time of transition. Pray for healing for Susana as she sprained her ankle.

GUINEA: The GUINEA TEAM requests prayer for Yanyi and her husband, Donsoxo. Yanyi has heard the Gospel many times and is part of the church; her husband has never made a commitment to Christ. Pray for true salvation for both of them.

SENEGAL: Pray for MINDIE, ELIJAH, JAPHETH, and ELSIE TICE as JEREMY will be gone for eight days to attend the World Partners African Regional Staff Conference. The family is still in the adjustment phase after having adopted Elsie and while the transition is going well, readjustments take place when Jeremy leaves, even for a short time. Pray for peace for this family while Jeremy is at the important Staff Conference.

CYPRUS: Pray for RICK DUGAN as his surgery is scheduled for March 15. Pray he and Madara would find peace and comfort during this time.

Pray for the World Partners office staff and World Partners staff throughout Africa as they travel to Cape Town, South Africa, for a regional staff conference March 12-15. Pray the conference would be a fruitful time for all the staff.