PrayLink | May 10, 2016

MYANMAR: A PARTNER of World Partners requests prayer for five women who have accepted Christ and are following Him in spite of opposition from their family. SIERRA LEONE: Pray for […]

MYANMAR: A PARTNER of World Partners requests prayer for five women who have accepted Christ and are following Him in spite of opposition from their family.

SIERRA LEONE: Pray for STEVE and SHEILA HARRIGAN and Aaron and Min Arakaki as they are currently in Sierra Leone. On Wednesday, they will visit Magburaka and the National Church Conference. They request prayer over the area strongholds and for the many pastors and wives attending the conference. Pray for the Harrigans as they give the opening challenge tomorrow evening at the National Conference. On Thursday, they will travel to Freetown and pray over the city and with the Hope of Glory Ministry. On Friday, they will visit an orphanage and pray for the ministry with the ninety orphan children. They will also visit with JANET NICKEL and pray for her effort against human trafficking. Pray for travel safety for the Harrigans and Arakakis as they leave Sierra Leone on May 14.

MYANMAR: Praise! A REGIONAL STRATEGY COORDINATOR In Asia reports ten baptisms which recently took place. He also reports his second generation disciple baptized a new believer who used to persecute Christians.

GUINEA: DAWN ANDERSON requests prayer for Fatmata, a pregnant woman whose previous three pregnancies have all ended in stillbirths. She was having contractions, but they have stopped. However, she is showing physical signs that labor should begin anytime. Pray for Fatmata to deliver a healthy baby and for Dawn as she delivers.

UNITED STATES: Pray for SARAH FULLER as she continues to show Gods love to the multitude of individuals receiving help at the Los Angeles Catholic Worker (LACW) on Skid Row. Sarah also requests prayer for her co-workers, Jesse, who is dealing with health issues, and Karan, who is beginning a new cancer treatment. Pray the employees at the LACW can make progress in the area of succession planning so the ministry can carry on into the future. Pray also for peace, trust, and love between the staff and their homeless guests.

BULGARIA: Pray for JOSH and SARAH HAWKINS as they transition back to language studies after their recent short break. Pray for a prayer team which is preparing to visit the Hawkins in July. Pray also that the specialist Sarah recently saw would be able to diagnose the correct medication for her asthma.

CYPRUS: Pray for RICK and MADARA DUGAN as they have returned from the U.S. to Cyprus and resumed their ministry.

GUINEA: The GUINEA TEAM requests prayer for Muluku, his wife, Fanta, and their children, Karifa and Tenen. Pray Muluku would continue to grow in his faith and lead his family in following Christ. Pray for provision of daily needs, which is a struggle for the family. Pray their farm would be successful this year.

INDONESIA: Pray for a short-term team from Bethel College as they are in Indonesia for ministry with a World Partners AFFILIATE through May 20.

MOZAMBIQUE: Flooding in the north and drought in the south of the country are resulting in losing crops and cattle. A PARTNER of World Partners requests prayer that during this difficult time individuals will take refuge in the Lord.