PrayLink | May 17, 2016

SOUTH AFRICA: STEPHEN and GAYLE BURGSTAHLER report three young men accepted Christ at the De Novo Rehabilitation Center where the Burgstahlers minister weekly. Pray for these men as they begin […]

SOUTH AFRICA: STEPHEN and GAYLE BURGSTAHLER report three young men accepted Christ at the De Novo Rehabilitation Center where the Burgstahlers minister weekly. Pray for these men as they begin their spiritual walk with Christ.

GUINEA: Pray for BRUCE CLUCKIE and Pastor Kalifa as they have almost finished the chronological Gods Story in audio form. Pray for DAWN CLUCKIE as she continues to spend time leading a Bible studay as well as teaching some of the women in the village how to read.

CAMEROON: DAVID and DIANE BJORK request prayer for Brigitte, Beatrice, Emiliane, Stephanie, and Sandi, that they would reproduce spiritual fruit for Christ and intentionally accompany others in the footsteps of Jesus.

SUDAN: Pray for a PARTNER of World Partners who is discipling individuals and is in the beginning stages of starting a fourth home church. Pray also for this partner as his mother-in-law and an additional seven family members have temporarily moved into his home with his wife and their children. The partner requests prayer for grace, wisdom, patience, and to show Gods love during their stay.

GUINEA: DAWN ANDERSON reports Fatmatas newborn passed away shortly after Dawn delivered the baby. Pray for Fatmata as she grieves her loss and for Dawn as she deals with the aftermath of having to inform Fatmata of her loss.

BULGARIA: Pray as a short-term prayer team prepares to go to Bulgaria in July. The team will be hosted by JOSH and SARAH HAWKINS. Pray God is preparing the team for the work they will do in Bulgaria, that they will be sensitive to His Spirit, and that they will listen to Him. Pray Bulgaria is ready for the team to come and shake the spiritual ground. Pray the team would break through strongholds in the Hawkins neighborhood.

SOUTH EAST ASIA: Pray for a STAFF COUPLE as they are preparing their ministry for their absence during their summer Home Ministry Assignment, scheduling speaking engagements with individuals, small groups, and churches, and locating a vehicle to use during their time in the U.S.

RWANDA: Pray for THEO and BRIANA MAKOMBE as they speak at Trenton Missionary Church in Iowa on May 22 and at the Discipleship Conference with African Fellowships in Des Moines, Iowa, May 23-27. Theo and Briana are currently raising support to go to Rwanda.

SPAIN: Pray TIM and RUTH STUCKs paperwork for their Spanish visas would be processed. Tim and Ruth are currently in the U.S. on Home Ministry Assignment.

INDONESIA: The short-term Bethel College team currently in Indonesia for ministry with a World Partners AFFILIATE will return to the U.S. on May 20. Pray for travel safety and for three interns staying in Indonesia for an extended time after the team leaves.