PrayLink | May 24, 2016

INDIA: A REGIONAL STRATEGY COORDINATOR for ASIA, SHANE, reports of a recent discipleship training with fifty participants attending. Shane also reports that the disciples in the area are multiplying due […]

INDIA: A REGIONAL STRATEGY COORDINATOR for ASIA, SHANE, reports of a recent discipleship training with fifty participants attending. Shane also reports that the disciples in the area are multiplying due to families taking the discipleship vision beyond the church.

WEST AFRICA: REGIONAL STRATEGY COORDINATORS for WEST AFRICA report the Lord continues to give them grace and favor working among a specific people group. He sees the Lord answering their prayer of making disciples of the people group who, in turn, are discipling their people.

MONGOLIA: JEFF SPENCE thanks those who were praying last week for a disciple of Jeffs whose wife had passed away. After a bit of conflict within the family about whether to hold a Christian or Buddhist funeral, it was decided a Christian burial would be held for the wife. It was the first Christian funeral in the community.

SOUTH AFRICA: STEPHEN BURGSTAHLER requests prayer for leading from the Lord and wisdom as he has so many open doors and opportunities to minister cross culturally.

UNITED STATES: BILL JONES requests prayer for wisdom and leading of the Holy Spirit as he meets with individuals who he will counsel this week.

BULGARIA: Praise! JOSH and SARAH HAWKINS report that God continues to give them ways to connect with their landlord, Kulio, and his wife, Ellie. The couple is a tremendous blessing to the Hawkins.

UNITED STATES: SARAH FULLER will have a drop-in time on Wednesday, June 22, from 5:00-8:00 p.m. at her parents home for anyone interested in speaking to Sarah about her ministry in California with the Los Angeles Catholic Worker. The address is 13 Cecil Street, St. Catharines, ON, Canada.

ZAMBIA: A PARTNER of World Partners thanks God for a successful discipleship training recently conducted. While he is excited to see the fruits from the training, he continues to make disciples.

INDONESIA: Pray for Bethel College students, Jake Bayliss, Cayden Merkler, and Laura Reffey, as they intern with a World Partners AFFILIATE in Indonesia.

NAMIBIA: A PARTNER of World Partners will lead a meeting of leaders to discuss discipleship in July in Namibia. Pray for Rachel as she prepares the logistics for this meeting.

SOUTHEAST ASIA: Praise! A STAFF MEMBER reports that James, a ministry partner, heard from his doctor that he does not have cancer. We believe this is a miracle. Please join us in praising our Great Physician!

MOZAMBIQUE: A PARTNER of World Partners requests prayer for Mozambique. He states, Security is deteriorating and talk of war is everywhere. People have started to travel to and stay in neighboring countries as refugees. As a region we need your prayers that peace should rule in Mozambique as this has greatly affected efforts in making disciples in the region.