PrayLink | November 22, 2016

Sympathy is extended to the family of DONNA EAGLE, former World Partners missionary, who has gone home to be with Jesus following a lengthy illness. A memorial service was held […]

Sympathy is extended to the family of DONNA EAGLE, former World Partners missionary, who has gone home to be with Jesus following a lengthy illness. A memorial service was held on Monday, November 21, in Union, Michigan. Please continue to hold REV. BOB EAGLE and family up in prayer during this difficult time.

ASIA: Pray for a PARTNER of World Partners who is being treated for heart related issues. Stress can be harmful to his condition and he is dealing with some extremely stressful issues regarding the church he pastors. The church currently has no place to meet and this has discouraged his people and some key people have left. He also had to postpone a discipleship training due to his health.

ASIA: Praise! A STAFF MEMBER arrived safely in Asia to begin her first term of service. Pray for her father as the staff member was just informed that her father is in the hospital with possible renal failure.

SPAIN: Praise! TIM and RUTH STUCK found an apartment to rent. On Thursday they will connect with DAVID and ESTHER de la ROSA to see their ministry. Pray as they connect with individuals they are discipling.

SIERRA LEONE: Pray for JANET NICKEL as she mentors Harrigan Samura, a Yalunka tailor in Freetown who has planted a church in the slums of Lumley village. Pray Harrigan will be a leader and train others in the days ahead.

SOUTH EAST ASIA: Pray for a STAFF COUPLE as they finalize details for the annual Kids’ Carnival in the local fishing village that will take place on November 27. A record number of Muslim children will be attending. Pray they feel welcome and that all the children have a wonderful time. Pray for the staff person as a new group of women was rescued from the sex trade and placed at the shelter where she volunteers. Pray for these women as they recover, pursue justice, and try to return home. Pray for the staff person and the other individuals working with them. Pray for the staff couple’s son who is struggling with crossed eyes. He is currently wearing a new pair of glasses which the doctors hope will help with his eye strain and hopefully reduce the need for surgery.

BULGARIA: JOSH HAWKINS was given the opportunity to runs some drills with the local football team at practice this week and it went well. He had a good time getting to know the men on the team and beginning to build relationships with them. Pray Josh would be able to join the team as a coach. It is a very natural step into a discipleship relationship from that point. SARAH HAWKINS is part of an international Christmas choir that will be performing on December 4. The concert is designed to be an outreach to Bulgarians. Pray God will use this in tremendous ways. Praise! Josh and Sarah were able to reapply for their visas without any issues. Now, pray that they would go through.

IRELAND: CAROLYN FUDGE had a good doctor’s appointment yesterday and was told she is healing well. She is now walking on her own and will resume physical therapy today. Continue to pray for Carolyn and also for RANDY FUDGE as he cares for her. Carolyn and Randy are on Home Ministry Assignment in the U.S. through the end of December as Carolyn recovers from surgery.

IRELAND: Pray for DENNY COLLINS as recovers from rotator cup ligament reattachment surgery. Pray also for LINDA COLLINS as she cares for him. Denny and Linda are currently in the U.S.

Pray for and join STEPHEN and GAYLE BURGSTAHLER as they share about their ministry in South Africa at Hope Spring Church in Griffith, Indiana, on November 27.

Pray for and join THEO and BRI MAKOMBE as they share their ministry vision for Rwanda at Springlake Missionary Church in Manito, Illinois, on November 27.

Many of the World Partners staff have invited others to join them for a traditional Thanksgiving meal this Thursday. Pray they would be the light of Christ as they share a meal with friends and neighbors.

Pray for God’s continued protection and for wisdom for World Partners staff in politically volatile areas.