Daniel Henderson, founder and president of Strategic Renewal ministries, reminded us at the Prayer Awakening conference that we should “seek His face before we seek His hand.” Using the pattern […]

Daniel Henderson, founder and president of Strategic Renewal ministries, reminded us at the Prayer Awakening conference that we should “seek His face before we seek His hand.” Using the pattern of the Lord’s prayer, we always begin with praise — “Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.” Regardless of our circumstances, God is worthy of praise. He never changes. He is always righteous and holy and just.

In response to who He is, we pray, “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” When we pray for His Kingdom to come, we are praying for the fulfillment of the Great Commission around the world. We are praying for nations to come to Christ. That prayer is also personal. We are praying that God would align our lives with His will. We are asking Him to cleanse our hearts that we might be a reflection of His character.

There is a prayer guide that pastors have received titled “Seek God for the City.” It is a guide to help you seek God’s face and to seek His Kingdom for your city. David Bryant, founder of Proclaim Hope, writes, “‘Seek God for the City’ will fill your heart with the glory of Christ, your vision with abounding hope, your mind with strategic insights, and your mouth with the kind of prayers God is eager to answer for the sake of His son.”

This 40-day prayer guide begins February 26 and concludes on Palm Sunday, April 5, 2020. In addition to the 60+ page booklet, there is a mobile app that you can get for your phone that contains all of the content (and more) of the printed prayer guide. It is available at

There is a children’s guide available that will provide a great way for families to pray together. The 40-day guide and the children’s companion guide are both available at

This is a great way for you and your family to pray through the Lenten season.