If 2020 has done anything for the Christian community, it has raised our awareness of the need for prayer. Numerous organizations have called for times of fasting and prayer. There […]

If 2020 has done anything for the Christian community, it has raised our awareness of the need for prayer. Numerous organizations have called for times of fasting and prayer. There have been at least two significant gatherings in Washington, DC, for the purpose of praying for the nation. The presidential election, the appointment of a Supreme Court justice, and the pandemic have fueled national, regional, and local prayer meetings.

Aside from the national scene, local churches have increased their prayer ministry. Some host daily online prayer meetings. Others are meeting virtually each week to pray for their church, their community, and their pastors. Pastors have spent more time seeking the Lord in this season because of the uncertainties related to COVID-19 and the ever-changing policies.

Whether life eventually returns to normal or we emerge from 2020 with a new normal is uncertain. What is certain is that prayer will always be important.

I am always looking for tools to put in the hands of believers that will prompt them to pray beyond their daily list of needs and concerns. I look for tools that help believers expand their “lists.”

For the past several years we have promoted a prayer guide titled Seek God for the City, which is developed by WayMakers (  Seek God for the City is a daily prayer guide for the forty days leading up to Palm Sunday. On the WayMakers website, you will find information on:

  • Quantity discounts
  • A Spanish version
  • A children’s prayer guide
  • The downloadable app – you can access the entire guide from your phone

The forty days to Palm Sunday, dated February 17–March 28, 2021, makes an ideal time to venture into a season of sustained, hope-filled prayer. In these days when many are still choosing to worship from home, this would be a good tool to put in their hands with an invitation to unite in prayer with the rest of the church.