“UNFINISHED: YOUR STORY ISN’T OVER YET” Pastors and delegates who were able to attend the Missionary Church National Conference in 2021 — SHIFT — also had the opportunity to participate […]

Pastors and delegates who were able to attend the Missionary Church National Conference in 2021 — SHIFT — also had the opportunity to participate in a very creative and moving prayer experience. Becky Patton, from our Pathway Community Church in Fort Wayne, put together a script and some suggested materials to enhance the experience. Lisa Goode, from One Life Church in Knoxville, created the video. And the entire prayer experience continues to be available for you to go through again, or to use with your church.
The Prayer Experience is 20 minutes, with times to pause if you would like extra time for prayer. We invite you to gather your materials, prepare your heart and mind for this time, and begin the video. Even if you are unable to assemble the materials, the video is still worth your time. Go through it once and then gather the materials and go through it again.
We are confident you will be blessed. The video is available at this link: The first part will show you the materials that are suggested (rusty cross, vial of oil, sandpaper, buffing cloth, and a journal). You will use these items during your experience. If you would like to order materials for members of your church or small group, contact the Missionary Church home office at 260-747-2027 or [email protected] for information on how to acquire them.